
Question about consumer, producer examples

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Hello, after having done some experiments with the mini-NDN i want to apply the basic producer and consumer executables in two nodes of my topology, let's call them a and c. No matter how much I try I just can't get to figure out what I need to do in order to run those in the miniNDN nodes.

Could you please post your experiment? Or which example is your code based on?
Are you announcing the routes through NLSR?

First, you need to compile the producer and consumer separately and then you should run them from the mini-ndn experiment.

Here is how I am doing it:

  1. Cosumer - Producer - This folder contains producer and consumer (I used the basic ndn-cxx prod/con). As said earlier, first I compile and install them into the system --> /usr/local/bin.

  2. Next, Consumer, producer -- these links shows how I am running producer and consumer from the mini-ndn experiment.

Make sure to advertise the prefixe/s consumer will look for from the producer. You can use nlsrc to do so.

The codes I have linked about are very dirty, but I hope you will get some insights. Let me know if you have any questions.