
Add --grpc_out option

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Would be nice to have --grpc_out in namely/protoc-all along with --js_out

this would be great to have as currently there is no way to use grpc-js in generated code. I hope it is merged soon, thank you @wespen.

@nycdotnet I tried v1.34_5 with arguments -l node -o client --with-typescript and got the following error:

--grpc_out: email.proto: Unknown parameter: generate_package_definition

If I try with grpc_out argument I still got the same error:
Arguments: -l node -o client --with-typescript --grpc-out grpc_js

--grpc_out: email.proto: Unknown parameter: grpc_js

I ve digged into source and it seems that protoc is used natively. However, as far as i know, grpc-out is intent on to be used with grpc-tools(even though it uses protoc internally) which is an npm package.

IMHO, for the NodeJS language( -l node ) using grpc_tools_node_protoc instead of protoc seems more appropriate. If not grpc-out should be removed or should be an empty string by default as in the current state node language is not working.

EDIT: also if grpc_tools_node_protoc is gonna be used typescript support should be revised too. I don't know compability of ts-protoc-gen with grpc-tools. I use grpc-tools-node-protoc-ts with gprc-tools

Thanks for the report and ideas. I think this makes sense. I will investigate those libraries. It might be a few days. @ido-namely do you think we should revert for now?

Ill do another merge request.
Looks like it needs a few more bits and pieces and Docker file update to work properly.

Ill try it with grpc_tools_node_protoc_ts vs ts-protoc-gen as well.

ok thank you @wespen

Making some progress.
MR incoming by the end of the week.