
Internal links (bword://) don't work

Opened this issue · 4 comments

ilius commented

Internal links in StarDict format, like <a href="bword://二十八宿">二十八宿</a>, don't work for Unicods (non-ASCII) words.
I think link target needs to be unquoted.
Before click

After click (on first Related word for example)
After click

ilius commented

In Python, it's done with urllib.parse.unquote function.

ilius commented

In Java:

word = URLDecoder.decode(word, "UTF-8");
qnr5 commented

@ilius Hi, I am making a stardict dictionary. I use stardict-tools/tabfile to generate files to use in StarDict. I want internal links, which I guess should be something like: other. But it did not work, and I do not know how to realise. It's a great help if you could give me some advice.

  1. Is internal link supported by StarDict?
  2. Should I write other in or example.xml?

Any advice is OK, thanks for your time.

qnr5 commented

When I change "sametypesequence=m" to "sametypesequence=h", it works as I want.

And, also pretty thank you for your reply. Have a good day!