
bug: CsvError: Invalid Closing Quote: got " " at line 1 instead of delimiter, row delimiter, trimable character (if activated) or comment

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KdB was renewed and became to insert table head. Relating with this, twinkle-parser throws an error when loading CSV:

CsvError: Invalid Closing Quote: got " " at line 1 instead of delimiter, row delimiter, trimable character (if activated) or comment
    at Parser.__parse (/Users/nandenjin/workspace/twinkle-parser/node_modules/csv-parse/lib/index.js:533:17)
    at Object.module.exports [as default] (/Users/nandenjin/workspace/twinkle-parser/node_modules/csv-parse/lib/sync.js:20:23)
    at parse (/Users/nandenjin/workspace/twinkle-parser/dist/index.js:29:32)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/nandenjin/workspace/twinkle-parser/bin/twinkle-parser.js:64:16)