
Problem when generating little number of transactions

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have this error when asking to generate 100 transactions:

It seems also that is is not possible to create just 10 transactions:


Go to datagenerator/ and change line 87 from
if not obj.number in (o.number for o in reponse_list): to
if not obj.account_number in (o.account_number for o in reponse_list):

Still will not generate any useful transactions as it is missing the login for it on the module.

You can then easily add the following

def generate_transactions(regs_num: int, people_list: list, accounts_list: list) -> list:
    response_list = []
    while len(response_list) < regs_num:
        print(f'Creating transaction {len(response_list)+1} of {regs_num}... {" "*30}', end='\r')

        obj = BankTransaction.BankTransaction(account=random.choice(accounts_list), value=random.randint(1,1000), description='Transaction description')
        if not obj.moment in (o.moment for o in response_list):

    print(f'{len(response_list):,} transactions created. {" "*40}')
    print(f'List of objects using {sys.getsizeof(response_list)/(10**6):.1f} MB')
    return response_list

and then call it on

if db["class"] == 'BankTransaction':
            moment = - _dt.timedelta(days=((regs//6)+1))
            obj_list = generate_transactions(main_regs, people_list, accounts_list)

Using faker you'd get the same and simpler to get what you'd like.

Ok, thanks. I have pushed the modification in a PR.
What do you mean by faker?

Ok, thanks. I have pushed the modification in a PR. What do you mean by faker?

Ok, I see. Thank you!