
Animation reset or stop when component is rerendered

oliviercperrier opened this issue · 5 comments

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Current Behavior

I have a button component with a Spinner (using moti animation). This spinner shows up when the loading props is set to true. The button opacity also change when the button is hovered. When the button is loading and hovered (in/out), the spinner animation reset or stop because de MotiView is rerendered.

Expected Behavior

The spinner animation should not stop or be reset when the MotiView is rerendered

Steps To Reproduce

See reproduction


see reproduction


No response


@nandorojo This is blocking for us, if its possible to fix or if there is an alternative it would be appreciated. Thanks

If it's urgent for you, you can check the "I've sponsored" box in the original post.

Otherwise, I will take a look when I have time.

Consider memoizing the spinner.

@nandorojo Thanks for the quick response. In fact, memoizing works for use case! Thanks

i would still let this issue open (not urgent)

Glad it helped.

This is blocking for us, if it's possible to fix or if there is an alternative it would be appreciated. Thanks

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