Closed this issue · 1 comments
itsdinkd commented
Minecraft Version
Fabric 0.14.12
Mod version
2.0.5 build 12
- Yes
Link to log files
HD java crash report https://gist.github.com/itsdinkd/e6b5beeb11e323f369f7902cd262c2ec
Steps to reproduce the issue
- Place down teleporter
- teleport to Mining Dim
- Teleport back
- crash
Description of the issue you are having
Logs gave no indication of crash, no errors, no crash report either. It did however generate a java crash report. https://gist.github.com/itsdinkd/e6b5beeb11e323f369f7902cd262c2ec
Teleporting back crashed game. plain and simple
- I have provided as much information as possible
UnRealDinnerbone commented
Please remove terrablender and see if it still happens