
[Issue] 1.20.1 JAMD Crash on dim load

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Minecraft Version




Mod version


Latest version?

  • Yes


  • Yes

Link to log files

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Install JAMD
  2. Go to JAMD
  3. Crash

Description of the issue you are having

I couldn't include the log. This is happening on the server environment and there is no way I could find in the log where this happened. It happened when someone visited the JAMD. It does seem to happen every time.

If you have any questions Our mod pack is Friends United 2.0


  • I have provided as much information as possible

I'm having a similar issue and have isolated the issue to the Aethersteel mod. Unsure if this is caused by the same mod as your issue. I'm also using the same versions of MC, Forge, and JAMD.
I have also written an issue on Aethersteel's Github here as I am not sure which mod is responsible.

You need to blacklist Aethersteel (I working a rewrite that should be out in the next day for two that will fix the issue)

Thanks for the quick response! How would I go about doing that?


added aethersteel:.* to the blacklist

Rad, that works. Thanks again; I can close the issue on the Aethersteel Github then.

wait, I don't have a mod named AetherSteel. I have the Aether mod. could that be the issue? Adding that line above to the config causes a crash on startup for me

A bit busy this week, I try and get the updated version out next week

Auvrae commented

wait, I don't have a mod named AetherSteel. I have the Aether mod. could that be the issue? Adding that line above to the config causes a crash on startup for me

In a JSON Array you need to have a comma after each item so it would look like this
"item", "item2", "aethersteel:.*"

In my case it was supreme_mining_dimension:.* that was causing the issue for me. You should just remove everything and slowly add mods until it breaks, to figure out which mod is causing the issue.

The last item doesn't need a comma.
Hope that helps until UnReal finishes the update!

All Crashes should be fixed in 3.4.0
Configs have moved to jamd/dimtype.json and should load in 'most' mods ores by default. If a mod does not get loaded in by default, you can add it your self and or open an issue, so I can add mod support.