[Issue] Not generating any ores in jamd, 1.21.1 neoforge 21.1.71
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Minecraft Version
Neoforge 21.1.71
Mod version
Neo 5.1.0
Latest version?
- Yes
- Yes
Link to log files
Nothing in logs
Steps to reproduce the issue
Install jamd, go to mining dimension, no ore generation at all
Description of the issue you are having
It seems in 1.21.1, jamd has no generation at all. Even used an X-Ray mod to check as well. Just Grass, Dirt, Stone, Deepslate, and Bedrock...
- I have provided as much information as possible
At first i had the same problem in my modpack but with neoforge 21.1.72 on my server.
After some testing i could get vanilla ores to show but not the modded ores.
What does work is first making a SP world , let it generate the world , close it , delete the mining.json on the server (config/JAMD) , upload the mining.json of your SP world's JAMD folder to your server's JAMD folder.
The modded ores now show up when i check with worldstripper.
After just checking all my mods, I see where the conflict was.... Mind you, none of this was shown in the Logs... I just took a guess and got Lucky.
Does not work with JAMD. It was stopping the proper generation.
After I Removed MTChunkGeneration... JAMD started working properly