
Doesn't run on windows

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Windows 10
Node.js : 10.13.0
yarn: 1.12.3
python: 2.7.15
Visual Studio: 2017

Building step:
yarn install
yarn test
yarn cross-env NODE_ENV=production ember electron:build -e production
ps: |
$path = Join-Path -Path "$env:TEMP" -ChildPath csc.p12
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($path, [Convert]::FromBase64String($env:CSC_LINK))
yarn cross-env NODE_ENV=production ember electron:make -e production --build-path electron-out/ember

After run compiled binary, it downloads db, then got stuck.
Here is log file

[2018-11-26 06:15:10.449] [info] Application window ready to show (took 3981ms): Nano Wallet Desktop
[2018-11-26 06:15:12.298] [info] Writing node configuration version 2: C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Roaming\Nano Wallet Desktop\config.json
[2018-11-26 06:15:12.350] [info] Starting node: C:\Users\Dell\Documents\nano-wallet-desktop-win32-x64-1.3.1\resources\app.asar.unpacked\ember-electron\resources\rai_node.exe
[2018-11-26 06:15:12.371] [info] Node started (PID 5672, RPC port 7076, peering port 7075)
[2018-11-26 06:15:12.436] [info] Generating TLS certificate:
[2018-11-26 06:15:15.721] [info] Waiting for node to be ready on ::1:7076...
[2018-11-26 06:15:15.726] [info] Node exiting (PID 5672)
[2018-11-26 06:15:15.727] [info] Proxy server closing
[2018-11-26 06:15:15.747] [error] Error starting node: Error: connect EACCES ::1:7076
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1161:14)

Tried to download pre-compiled version from, but the result was same above.

This wallet log shows that the rai_node.exe process has exited. The question is why.
You should check the log of the node process, under "%APP_DATA%\Roaming\Nano Wallet Desktop\log".
Also, you may try to start the node manually:
EXE: "%APP_DATA%\Local\nano-wallet-desktop\app-1.3.1\resources\app.asar.unpacked\ember-electron\resources\rai_node.exe"
Cmd line options: --data_path "%APP_DATA%\Roaming\Nano Wallet Desktop" --daemon

Some typical errors encountered by me:

  • Problem with (re)generation of SSL certificates
  • Problem with DB creation in case the %APP_DATA% path contains special characters (Issue #84)

The NanoWalletCompany is no longer supporting this app. See for details. Closing.