Docker runs but no Logs
ChristianErdtmann opened this issue · 2 comments
Hey i followed the steps descibet at:
I use a fresh installed Ubuntu Linux and hardware match all requirements.
The Doker is running and i get no Erros how you can see:
root@ubuntu:~/NanoMasternode# docker run --restart=unless-stopped -d -p 7075:7075 -p -p -v /root/NanoMasternode:/root --name nano_node_container_new2 nanocurrency/nano:V22.1
and it created a "Nano" folder in the "HOST_DIRECTORY" and counters.stat and samples.stat.
In the Nano folder i found the "log" file.... but its empty .... if i follow the steps on the docs there should be entries.
Any idea whats wrong with the Docker Image?
Its running so if i count i see its running
It can take a while sometimes. If you type
sudo docker ps -a
You should be able to see how long that image has been running. What do you see when you run that command?