
Unable to use docker

NablaMetal opened this issue · 5 comments

I followed carefully the readme, and got the python script working, but I don't manage to get the container to fetch any toots.
I tried docker run, or the docker-compose file, filled out the token and server, but the script says it's finishes almost instantly :

fedifetcher-fedifetcher-1  | 2024-07-29 15:12:57 UTC: Starting FediFetcher
fedifetcher-fedifetcher-1  | 2024-07-29 15:12:57 UTC: Processing finished in 0:00:00.003125.
fedifetcher-fedifetcher-1  | 2024-07-29 15:12:58 UTC: Starting FediFetcher
fedifetcher-fedifetcher-1  | 2024-07-29 15:12:58 UTC: Processing finished in 0:00:00.001891.
fedifetcher-fedifetcher-1  | 2024-07-29 15:12:59 UTC: Starting FediFetcher
fedifetcher-fedifetcher-1  | 2024-07-29 15:12:59 UTC: Processing finished in 0:00:00.001449.

I's like to use docker because I like to keep my host clean as much of possible without any extra package.
If I understand correctly, if I use the container, I don't need to clone the git repo first right ?
Basically it should work only with docker run -it --access-token=myaccesstokenstring ?
Thank you

You will need to add at least one option, such as --home-timeline-length=200. By default everything is 'off', so you'd expect it not do anything.

The recommended options, translated for the command line would, be

docker run -it --home-timeline-length=200 --max-followings=80 --from-notifications=1 --access-token=myaccesstokenstring

Of course it was something obvious ;) Thanks !!

--home-timeline-length=200 --max-followings=80 --from-notifications=1

Could I supply this values in a .env?

I’m not really familiar with docker, so I can only offer limited support in this myself.

However there are a couple of examples on running FediFetcher using docker compose and k8

does any of this help?

@paulo-roger Since v 7.1.6 you can configure FediFetcher through environment variables:

Maybe this helps?