
Feat: tRPC Wrapper

Brian-McBride opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for the library. I like what you are doing here.
Tanstack Query is a great lib, but I am so happy to see more and more people breaking out of the "React Only" mindset.

tRPC has gotten pretty popular, and I think a client wrapper that offers all the typing in tooling like Astro. build would be pretty awesome.

dkzlv commented

Hey, Brian!

Thanks for the suggestion!

Truth be told, I don't think that's currently possible. trpc/client has a rather convoluted API, and it only makes sense for their authors. I know there's a community-driven client for swr that will probably work at some point. If you're interested in creating such a wrapper for nanoquery, that'll be magnificent, but as for us I think that's outside of our scope. We're focusing primarily on the basics of the nanostores ecosystem, such as state management, network, routing, forms, SSR and so on.