[Bug] highlight group not found: TabbyHl___
luiz00martins opened this issue · 24 comments
I'm getting an error when starting tabby:
Error detected while processing function TabbyTabline:
line 1:
E5108: Error executing lua ...packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/highlight.lua:29: Vim(highlight):E411: highlight group not found: TabbyHl___
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'cmd'
...packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/highlight.lua:29: in function 'register'
...ck/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/render.lua:93: in function 'highlight'
...ck/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/render.lua:67: in function 'frag'
...ck/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/render.lua:24: in function 'node'
...ck/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/render.lua:65: in function
vim/shared.lua: in function 'tbl_map'
.../site/pack/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/tabline.lua:146: in function 'update'
[string "luaeval()"]:1: in main chunk
It's quite inconsistent. It only happens on some startups, in others it just runs fine (feels like 50/50 chance). When the error happens, the tabline does not load correctly. Here's some screenshots of how the tab normally looks like, and how it looks like with the error:
This is my full config:
local filename = require('tabby.filename')
local util = require('tabby.util')
local hl_tabline = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLine')
local hl_tabline_sel = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLineSel')
local hl_tabline_fill = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLineFill')
local function tab_label(tabid, active)
local icon = active and '' or ''
local number = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabid)
local name = util.get_tab_name(tabid)
if active then
return string.format(' %s %d: %s ', icon, number, name)
return string.format(' %s %d ', icon, number)
local tabline = {
hl = 'TabLineFill',
layout = 'tab_only',
head = {
{ ' ', hl = { fg = hl_tabline.fg, bg = hl_tabline.bg } },
{ '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
active_tab = {
label = function(tabid)
return {
tab_label(tabid, true),
hl = { fg = hl_tabline_sel.fg, bg = hl_tabline_sel.bg, style = 'bold' },
left_sep = { '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline_sel.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
right_sep = { '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline_sel.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
inactive_tab = {
label = function(tabid)
return {
tab_label(tabid, false),
hl = { fg = hl_tabline.fg, bg = hl_tabline.bg, style = 'bold' },
left_sep = { '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline_fill.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
right_sep = { '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline_fill.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
top_win = {
label = function(winid)
return {
--' > ' .. filename.unique(winid) .. ' ',
hl = 'TabLine',
left_sep = { ' ', hl = 'TabLineFill' },
win = {
label = function(winid)
return {
--' - ' .. filename.unique(winid) .. ' ',
hl = 'TabLine',
left_sep = { ' ', hl = 'TabLineFill' },
tabline = tabline,
In case you cannot repro...
Debugging info
With this config, the plugin works, but the colors are inconsistent:
local filename = require('tabby.filename')
local util = require('tabby.util')
local hl_tabline = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLine')
local hl_tabline_sel = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLineSel')
local hl_tabline_fill = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLineFill')
local function tab_label(tabid, active)
local icon = active and '' or ''
local number = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabid)
local name = util.get_tab_name(tabid)
if active then
return string.format(' %s %d: %s ', icon, number, name)
return string.format(' %s %d ', icon, number)
local tabline = {
hl = 'TabLineFill',
layout = 'tab_only',
active_tab = {
label = function(tabid)
return {
tab_label(tabid, true),
hl = { fg = hl_tabline_sel.fg, bg = hl_tabline_sel.bg, style = 'bold' },
inactive_tab = {
label = function(tabid)
return {
tab_label(tabid, false),
hl = { fg = hl_tabline.fg, bg = hl_tabline.bg, style = 'bold' },
top_win = {
label = function(winid)
return {
--' > ' .. filename.unique(winid) .. ' ',
hl = 'TabLine',
left_sep = { ' ', hl = 'TabLineFill' },
win = {
label = function(winid)
return {
--' - ' .. filename.unique(winid) .. ' ',
hl = 'TabLine',
left_sep = { ' ', hl = 'TabLineFill' },
tabline = tabline,
Same results (inconsistent colors) with this simpler one:
local filename = require('tabby.filename')
local util = require('tabby.util')
local hl_tabline = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLine')
local hl_tabline_sel = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLineSel')
local hl_tabline_fill = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLineFill')
local function tab_label(tabid, active)
local icon = active and '' or ''
local number = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabid)
local name = util.get_tab_name(tabid)
if active then
return string.format(' %s %d: %s ', icon, number, name)
return string.format(' %s %d ', icon, number)
local tabline = {
hl = 'TabLineFill',
layout = 'tab_only',
active_tab = {
label = function(tabid)
return {
tab_label(tabid, true),
hl = { fg = hl_tabline_sel.fg, bg = hl_tabline_sel.bg, style = 'bold' },
tabline = tabline,
However, more bizarrely, if I complete remove all options, the error returns. The config below yields the error again:
Thanks for your feedback, I will do some tests in this week.
Note: It was introduced somewhere in the the commits on May/10 or May/11, I last synced around end of April, today I synced plugins and it's there.
Went through the commits one by one and called PackerUpdate
, the first commit where I can see the error: 7866ad7
I'm not good enough with lua to figure out why 😆
Until fixed:
use {
commit = 'fcbd6ee548e8e8ce0e409d0727bd198d2ff17098',
@yitsushi After I read the code, I think maybe this is the bug I fixed in the latest commit. May you try the latest commit and test it again?
I got the same problem with latest code.
I just use default config likes following:
and here is the output:
line 1:
E5108: Error executing lua ...packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/highlight.lua:29: Vim(highlight):E411: highlight group not found: TabbyHl___
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'cmd'
...packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/highlight.lua:29: in function 'register'
...ck/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/render.lua:93: in function 'highlight'
...ck/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/render.lua:67: in function <...ck/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/internal/render.lua:57>
vim/shared.lua: in function 'tbl_map'
.../site/pack/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/tabline.lua:146: in function 'update'
[string "luaeval()"]:1: in main chunk
In addtion, when I initialized the plugin without a map param
I got these error:
Error detected while processing /Users/bytedance/.config/nvim/init.lua:
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: vim/shared.lua:0: after the second argument: expected table, got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
vim/shared.lua: in function 'validate'
vim/shared.lua: in function 'tbl_extend'
...vim/site/pack/packer/start/tabby.nvim/lua/tabby/init.lua:14: in function 'setup'
/Users/bytedance/.config/nvim/init.lua:572: in main chunk
My neovim version is
NVIM v0.7.0
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compiled by runner@Mac-1650023513425.local
on macOS 12.4
After I tried several presets, I found this config seems to have no error throwed.
tabline = require("tabby.presets").tab_with_top_win,
But the apperance is strange:
Following presets will throw error: highlight group not found: TabbyHl___
I fixed it; I used the wrong way to get Highlight. If there are more compatibility issues, welcome to tell me.
I can confirm, updated to the latest commit and no errors on my side (with the same setup I had before)
Yep the TabbyHl__
error is gone!
I'm still getting the wrong highlight sometimes though. Same error as I mentioned in my "debugging info". Sometimes I get the right highlight, sometimes it uses a (wrong) gray color. Here's an example with my full config (in the original issue):
The chances of this happening looks exactly like the chances of me getting the original one, about 50/50.
Also these were mutually exclusive. By that I mean that, depending on the config, I would either get one, or the other (i.e. they would replace one another). So, I have high suspicions that these two are related.
@luiz00martins One scenario I've found that causes this is the order in which tabby and theme are launched. May you use packer, try to use the after
option as a workaround? I would to explore a nice way to improve this.
@anstadnik Oh, May you tell me what theme you use?
@nanozuki sure :)
minimal init.lua
vim.g.python3_host_prog = '/home/astadnik/.virtualenvs/neovim/bin/python3'
local install_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim'
if vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then
vim.fn.termopen(('git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim %q'):format(install_path))
require('packer').startup({ function(use)
use { 'rmehri01/onenord.nvim', config = [[require 'plugins.onenord']] }
use { "nanozuki/tabby.nvim",
config = [[require("tabby").setup({ tabline = require("tabby.presets").active_tab_with_wins })]] }
% vim.o.background='light'
Oh you maybe would want to see onenord.lua
-- Colorscheme
fade_nc = true, -- Fade non-current windows, making them more distinguishable
-- Style that is applied to various groups: see `highlight-args` for options
styles = {
comments = "italic",
strings = "italic",
keywords = "bold",
functions = "NONE",
variables = "NONE",
diagnostics = "undercurl",
disable = {
background = false, -- Disable setting the background color
cursorline = false, -- Disable the cursorline
eob_lines = true, -- Hide the end-of-buffer lines
-- Inverse highlight for different groups
inverse = {
match_paren = true,
@luiz00martins One scenario I've found that causes this is the order in which tabby and theme are launched. May you use packer, try to use the
option as a workaround? I would to explore a nice way to improve this.
Tried it, with no luck. Got the same problem with the following use
use {
after = 'folke/tokyonight.nvim',
@luiz00martins What about your whole config, including the plugin manager's setting? Do you put the config of tabby.nvim
in the packer's plugin declaration? Like this:
use {
config = function()
I already showed my whole tabby config, it's in the original issue (and it's definetely being called, although manually, not in config
See my previous comments. I posted a lot of configs I tested, and a lot of screeshots of the results.
My whole config is the use clause:
use {
after = 'tokyonight.nvim',
followed by the actual config, which is wrapped in a function:
plugin_configs['tabby'] = function()
local filename = require('tabby.filename')
local util = require('tabby.util')
local hl_tabline = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLine')
local hl_tabline_sel = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLineSel')
local hl_tabline_fill = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLineFill')
local function tab_label(tabid, active)
local icon = active and '' or ''
local number = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabid)
local name = util.get_tab_name(tabid)
if active then
return string.format(' %s %d: %s ', icon, number, name)
return string.format(' %s %d ', icon, number)
local tabline = {
hl = 'TabLineFill',
layout = 'tab_only',
head = {
{ ' ', hl = { fg = hl_tabline.fg, bg = hl_tabline.bg } },
{ '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
active_tab = {
label = function(tabid)
return {
tab_label(tabid, true),
hl = { fg = hl_tabline_sel.fg, bg = hl_tabline_sel.bg, style = 'bold' },
left_sep = { '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline_sel.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
right_sep = { '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline_sel.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
inactive_tab = {
label = function(tabid)
return {
tab_label(tabid, false),
hl = { fg = hl_tabline.fg, bg = hl_tabline.bg, style = 'bold' },
left_sep = { '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline_fill.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
right_sep = { '', hl = { fg = hl_tabline_fill.bg, bg = hl_tabline_fill.bg } },
top_win = {
label = function(winid)
return {
--' > ' .. filename.unique(winid) .. ' ',
hl = 'TabLine',
left_sep = { ' ', hl = 'TabLineFill' },
win = {
label = function(winid)
return {
--' - ' .. filename.unique(winid) .. ' ',
hl = 'TabLine',
left_sep = { ' ', hl = 'TabLineFill' },
tabline = tabline,
which is eventually called:
And I'd love to debug it more, but I'm being blocked by #64
Edit: #64 was resolved, and I can confirm that the after
clause does not solve the HL problem.
The key point of this question is:
The sentence local hl_tabline = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLine')
should be called after theme loaded. If not, you will get the wrong color. Mentions, not the tabby should be loaded after the theme, is this util.extract_nvim_hl
should be called after the theme is loaded.
This is why I need the whole neovim config if I want to figure out the problem. If you use packer, you should add config to the plugin declaration, so packer will confirm the config runner after the plugin is loaded. It will delay the calling of function util.extract_nvim_hl
If your config is too large, you can try to write a minimal config to reproduce it.
The sentence local
hl_tabline = util.extract_nvim_hl('TabLine')
should be called after theme loaded. If not, you will get the wrong color.
That's it! Making sure that runs after setting the colorscheme fixes the problem. Thanks.
If tabby currently pulls in "hard values" from the colorscheme, maybe linking to the HL group instead could fix this behaviour.
Because the separator's highlight is calculated from two highlights, I can't link directly. I'm exploring a new way to get highlights.
Am I understanding correctly that the current approach won't allow theme or (more importantly background) change while nvim is already running?
Am I understanding correctly that the current approach won't allow theme or (more importantly background) change while nvim is already running?
For current preset configs, it is. I'm writing the next version of tabby, It has a better way to automatically handle color scheme changing.