Some PODAAC datasets have geospatial bounds crossing the IDL
aperrin66 opened this issue · 0 comments
aperrin66 commented
Some datasets from PODAAC have their spatial coverage defined as a wkt polygon which crosses the international date line.
For example:
POLYGON((-148.262 60.400, -147.443 25.982, -177.157 21.480, 161.791 52.861, -148.262 60.400))
This causes the coverage to be interpreted the wrong way (going "the long way" around the globe).
The spatial coverage for these datasets needs to be defined as a multipolygon, split along the IDL.
In the case of the previous example:
MULTIPOLYGON (((-148.262 60.4, -147.443 25.982, -177.157 21.48, -180 25.71789582937487, -180 55.60946639437804, -148.262 60.4)), ((180 25.71789582937487, 161.791 52.861, 180 55.60946639437804, 180 25.71789582937487)))