
Create a .npmignore

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It would be good to also include a .npmignore file so that you don't publish files that only exist in your dev environment and don't need to be published.
here are some things that shouldn't be published:

  • your .babelrc
  • prettier.config.js
  • your logo probably as people likely won't open it from their node_modules fetc
  • etc

Here's some documentation about it:
The npmignore file

Also note that you'll need to duplicate the contents of your .gitignore if you want those rules to be respected as the .npmignore will override your gitignore (only when publishing on npm, not in general).

Thanks for reading my issue, good luck on your project

Hi, this lib has files key in package.json, so only include necessary files.

Here is a look after installed: