
The number of bytes uploaded is required to be equal or greater than 262144, except for the final request (it's recommended to be the exact multiple of 262144). The received request contained 8192 bytes, which does not meet this requirement..

semsphy opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm using your package in laravel-backup, it uses writeStream method to upload a zip file to Google drive. And the file size is 4MB.

After run a backup command I got error messages:

The number of bytes uploaded is required to be equal or greater than 262144, except for the final request (it's recommended to be the exact multiple of 262144).  The received request contained 8192 bytes, which does not meet this requirement..

But if I upload file with this snippet, it is ok.

\Storage::disk('google')->put('', file_get_contents('../'));

Are there any solutions?

Did you find a solution ???

Same problem here!

@semsphy , @greatsami , @vitorfavila What is result of ini_get('memory_limit') on PHP?

There was a problem when PHP memory_limit was -1, so I fixed it. Thanks!

@nao-pon Thank you!!!
