
Read by filename - File not found

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I am trying to read file by filename like $filesystem->read('test.txt'), but I am getting League\Flysystem\FileNotFoundException instead of file context.

When I list contents, I am seeing

        (int) 11 => [
                'type' => 'file',
                'path' => '0BwU--KIyWn8kYXl4cE1FajFEYzQ',
                'filename' => 'test',
                'extension' => 'txt',
                'timestamp' => (int) 1499432201,
                'mimetype' => 'text/plain',
                'size' => (int) 4,
                'dirname' => '',
                'basename' => '0BwU--KIyWn8kYXl4cE1FajFEYzQ'

Then I tried to do $filesystem->read('0BwU--KIyWn8kYXl4cE1FajFEYzQ') which returns context.

As far as I understand you need to pass google drive file ID instead of human readable path to the file. This makes read method quite useless because you need to listContents first and find file you want to read.

@LubosRemplik As you say, GoogleDrive is an item ID based file system. Since it permits the existence of items with the same file name, it is impossible to identify items by just the file name.

See my package
It's wrap over nao-pon/flysystem-google-drive.

You can write and read by file path.

See example:

If you assume that there is no same name file, I think @Rendol idea is good.

I'll close this issue.