
Build email templates with SASS and any templating engine.

Primary LanguageHTML

Email Templates Toolbox

Build email templates with SASS, PUG and Browsersync.

How to use

  1. Create a new folder in ./templates for your template
  2. Make sure to include:
  • html.{{ext}} (required) - for html format of email
  • text.{{ext}} (optional) - for text format of email
  • style.{{ext}} (optional) - styles for html format
  • subject.{{ext}} (optional) - for subject of email
  1. Modify index.js to point templateDir to your directory.

You can use any templating language that conforms to consolidate.js for the html template and CSS or SCSS for styles.

The template example uses pug.js and SASS.


$ npm install
$ node index.js

Opens the rendered template in http://localhost:3001/ and automatically reloads the browser every time there is a change to the template or the styles.