Capstone Project

Exercise 3 from PAC5 in "Noves tendències en el desenvolupament d'aplicacions mòbils" by Naoise Golden Santos.


This project uses the Marvel API to display a list of Marvel character and their details.


There are 3 screens.

The Home screen displays a list of characters on a clickable card. When the scroll reaches the end of the list, it loads the next batch of items from the API, making it an infinite scroll.

The Character screen shows the name, picture and description of the character and displays a button to open the official details page in the web browser. It also shows the 5 first comics and a button to see the complete list.

The Comics screen shows the complete list of the comics where the selected character appears.

All screens get their data through the ChangeNotifierProvider and the MarvelCharacter class.

Used packages

flutter_dotenv to hide the API secrets.

http to access the API.

crypto to create the hash needed to authenticate with the API provider.

provider to handle app state.

url_launcher to open a URL with the native web browser.

flutter_spinkit to show a spinner when loading data from the API.

Noteworthy widgets

Semantics to add semantic information in character cards.

Snackbar to show error messages.

InkWell to create the ripple effect when selecting a card.

How to launch

Create a .env file in the root folder with the following information:


You must obtain the keys by registering in (Or ask me by email and I'll forward mine.)