
cant login to cisco IOS switch

Warsenius opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello all.
I am trying to get some experience with ansible\napalm but im having a issue getting the example playbooks working.
I found this playbook:

- name: Test Inventory #The Task Name
  hosts: switch #This will be in your ansible inventory file
  connection: local #Required
  gather_facts: no #Do not gather facts

  tasks: #Begin Tasks
    - name: get facts from device
      napalm_get_facts: #Call the napalm module, in this case napal_get_facts
        hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" #This is a parameter and is derived from your ansible inventory file
        dev_os: 'ios' #The hardware operating system
        username: 'my_username'
        password: 'my_secret' #The line level password
        filter: 'facts'
      register: result #Ansible function for collecting output

    - name: print results #Task Name
      debug: msg="{{ result }}" #Display the collected output

But when i run it i get:

TASK [get facts from device] *********************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "cannot connect to device: Authentication failure: unable to connect cisco_ios\nAuthentication failed."}

When I use netmiko in a python script i get the output of the given command:

from netmiko import ConnectHandler
from getpass import getpass

ip_addr = raw_input("Enter IP Address: ")
device = { 'device_type': 'cisco_ios', 'ip': ip_addr, 'username': 'my_username', 'password': getpass(), }

net_connect = ConnectHandler(**device)
output = net_connect.send_command("show ip int brief")

The switch is setup with TACACS, the username of the ssh session is normally used. The terminal will only ask for a password and you will end in enable mode by default.

I don't see immediately anything wrong. That error in general would be a username/password failure.

I assume the IP address is reachable from the Ansible machine?

yes both the netmiko\python script work and ssh command from the cli works fine.