
load_dict behavior

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Ensure load_dict behaves this way and add tests:

  • with overwrite=False, merge all data. For example:
d1 = { "a": {"aa": 1}}
d2 = {"a": {"ab" 2}, "b": 3}


{ "a": {"aa": 1, "ab": 2}, "b": 3}
  • With overwrite=True existing keys are replaced so same structures become instead:
{ "a": {"ab": 2}, "b": 3}

Unfortunately I don't have the cycles to keep maintaining this project so as of now it's officially abandoned. If someone wants to fork the project and maintain it don't hesitate to contact me to add a link to the fork and direct existing and new users to the new fork. However, I'd recommend checking the following alternative:

Yangify has a cleaner interface that is easier to maintain and happens to be orders of magnitude faster and also more memory efficient.

If you are an existing user of napalm-yang and are worried about this announcement and/or want help migrating to some other project don't hesitate to contact me.