
save the image

WenchangLu opened this issue · 7 comments

Can we save or download the image from streamlit?

Hi @WenchangLu thanks for your question.
At the moment this is not implemented, but let me figure out what I can do in this regard.
Could you explain a little more about your use case?

I see why you want this. Btw, your app is amazing!! I love it!!
Looking into the guts of py3dmol, I saw that there is a png method that in principle retrieves a png image, but I haven't had luck by now. I'll try something else later, and will let you know.

Hi any idea to solve the save image issue?

Hi @WenchangLu, not at the moment, I've been trying some ideas with 3Dmol.js, but not totally successful yet. Sorry for that, as soon as I find something I'll let you know!