Narakeet Video Build API example in C#

This repository provides a quick example demonstrating how to access the Narakeet markdown to video API from CSharp/.Net Core.

The example sends a request to generate a video from a local ZIP file (it creates the zip file from the contents of the video directory, then downloads the resulting video into a local temporary file.


This example works with .NET Core 6.0. You can run it inside Docker (then it does not require a local .NET Core installation), or on a system with a .NET Core 6.0 compatible installation.

Running the example

Set a local environment variable called NARAKEET_API_KEY, containing your API key (or modify NarakeetExample/Program.cs line 13 to include your API key).

Optionally edit NarakeetExample/Program.cs and modify the video file directory, main video file, and the function that handles progress notification (lines 8, 9 and 30).

Without Docker:

dotnet publish -c Release
dotnet run --project NarakeetExample

On a system with Docker and GNU Makefile

make init
make execute

More information

Check out for more information on the Narakeet Markdown to Video API.