
Convert public/demo.gif to Git LFS to Fix Checkout Modifications

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When you clone this repository, you get the following message:

Encountered 1 file that should have been a pointer, but wasn't:

This file is quite large (20MB), and it's not being treated as a Git LFS (Large File Storage) file. Consequently, it's always marked as modified when I perform a checkout,

The fix is

git lfs migrate import --no-rewrite "public/demo.gif"

This command converts the file to LFS and resolves the issue. However, due to GitHub's limitations on pushing LFS objects to public forks, I'm unable to push this fix myself and create a PR.

Good catch! fixed it. Let me know if you run into any other issues.

➜  gpt-code-search git:(main) git lfs ls-files
0067c17b99 - public/demo.gif