
docker environment for your laravel project

Primary LanguageShell

Getting started with docker-compose laravel environment

installing dependencies

  • docker

Follow download instructions from official site.

  • curl jq (skip for windows/mac)
sudo apt install curl jq 
  • docker-compose (skip for windows/mac)
curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/releases/latest" | jq --arg PLATFORM_ARCH "$(echo `uname -s`-`uname -m`)" -r '.assets[] | select(.name | endswith($PLATFORM_ARCH)).browser_download_url' | xargs sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose --url

For Windows & macOS Docker Compose is included in Docker Desktop.

Steps for using the docker-compose environment

  • Copy docker-compose.yaml file to your project's root dir

  • Copy nginx-default.conf file to your project's root dir

  • Edit both files according to your requirements (e.g. php verison, composer version mysql password, listening ports for app/phpmyadmin)

  • Open terminal in the directory where above files are copied to and run command

mkdir ~/mysql-data
docker compose up -d
& your application is live, open up http://localhost:8080 on your favourite browser to visit your laravel app  

Default ports for applications

       Application                 Port        
       laravel 8080
       phpmyadmin 8888
       mysql 3307

Use port 3307 for mysql-server if you're using a desktop client such as workbench or sequel pro/table plus.

Default creds for phpmyadmin/mysql

root : laravel

laravel env vars



various commands for interacting with environment

Command Use case
docker-compose run --rm npm install if npm is not installed on local
docker-compose run --rm composer install if composer is not installed on local
docker-compose run --rm artisan config:clear if php is not installed on local

the docker-compose run command alias

add the below line at the end of your shell's rc file

e.g ~/.bahsrc if your shell is bash ~/.zshrc if your shell is zsh

alias dr="docker-compose run --rm"

after alias installation these commands will be

Command Use case
dr npm install if npm is not installed on local
dr composer install if composer is not installed on local
dr artisan config:clear if php is not installed on local

for shutting down the containers

open a terminal in project's root directory & run

docker-compose down