
ofxNDIVideoGrabber Image to ofxCvColorImage

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to use the received NDI image and use it with OpenCV.

It seems like the pixel format is different (I get a lot of lines in the image) and I can't figure out what to do.

looks like this:
Do you have a hint, how to convert the ofxNDIVideoGrabber image to an ofxCvColorImage?

Thanks for your help!


ofxCvColorImage data seems to be like rgbrgbrgb... of unsigned char.
so you may get good result by doing pixels.setImageType(OF_IMAGE_COLOR); before converting to ofxCvImage.

But I recommend not to use it unless the image is small and frequency is low enough because it's slow.

If I were you, I would use OpenCV functionality to convert.

I'm not OpenCV expert but as far as I know you can convert image data using cv::Mat::convertTo or something like that.

You can check the format of receiving image in getOfPixelFormatFromFourCCType

Hope it helps!

Oh yes, thanks a lot! This -> pixels.setImageType(OF_IMAGE_COLOR); works for now.

can be closed.