
not receiving OSX

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Of 0.10.1, osx 10.13.6, xcode 9.2.

Receiver does not see sender. sender works fine. NDI monitor app. shows video from sender correctly.

How can this be fixed?


I'm not sure but please make these sure

  • installed latest NDI SDK
  • ofxNDI latest master branch without any change

Yes these things are ok. I tried the example router and this shows the source name from your sender example.

if I add: sources_ = ofxNDI::listSources();
in setup then the receiver examle seems to work, and shows the name of the sender.

Maybe something is broken with finder_.watchSources() ??

to make things clear, please check following.

  • add a break point at line 32 of ofxNDIFinder.cpp (a line of unsigned int num_sources=0;) and see you reach there or not.
  • if not, comment out continue; above the breakpoint, and see value of num_sources after NDIlib_find_get_current_sources.
  • if num_sources remains 0 for a long time, do NDIlib_find_wait_for_sources with longer wait time. about 10000 or 50000? not sure

I have tried what you suggested, but num_sources is always zero.
But changing setup() makes it work as I mentioned:

void ofApp::setup(){
   // uncomment this line to make watchSources work
   // sources_ = ofxNDI::listSources();