
send ofFloatPixels with 4bytes per channel

Closed this issue · 3 comments


is there an easy way to send a 4bytes per channel color image? I noticed if I send a ofFloatImage (4 channels / 4byte per channel) it gets converted to a ofImage with only 1 bytes per channel.

I studied the source code but have a hard time to understand how and if it's possible to archive what I am trying to do.

I'm not sure that NDI itself supports sending an image of 4 bytes per channel.
If you found any in official SDK document, let me know which section.

If it's possible, you can directly configure NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t and send it via ofxNDISendVideo or ofxNDISendVideoAsync.

All right, thanks for taking your time and looking into it. I checked the documentation but couldn't find anything which made sense to me. I guess for now I need to look for a different solution. I was asking for ofFloatImage as I was trying stream a stereo camera pointcloud via ndi.

... might make sense to let that issue open, just in case others will face the same/similar situation?!

... might make sense to let that issue open, just in case others will face the same/similar situation?!

It's an "Issue" page here and it was not an issue of this addon, and people can find closed issues.
