
Hidden values distort display, can be seen in tooltip

GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 1 comments

Reported by Christopher Culy:

The Problem:
  "Hidden" values still show up with mouse hovering, sometimes with nonsensical values (> 100%)

How to reproduce it (this is one way, but the problem was consistent):
  Choose the "Adult" sample data base (all default settings).
  Choose "Age"
  Chose "Sex"
  Uncheck "Male"
  Move the mouse from left to right, about half-way down.
  As the mouse leaves "Old", the tooltip changes from "Old female" to "Old male" -- but "Male" is unchecked
  Keep moving the mouse to the right.
  As the mouse leaves "Middle-Aged", the tooltip changes from "Middle-Aged, Female" to "Middle-Aged Male" (same problem as above), and the percentage is given at 135% (!)

Version: Parallel Sets V2.1
OS: WIndows Vista

Original issue reported on by rkosara on 2 Aug 2010 at 3:09

Original comment by rkosara on 27 Dec 2010 at 3:30

  • Changed state: Accepted