
You have a bug in the map view

galitniztad opened this issue · 4 comments

You have a bug in the map view, see attachment, it does not show the surface temperature correctly, also stopped giving measurement comparisons from 2020 backwards.

Hi @galitniztad - The Aqua satellite experienced an issue and all of the instruments were put in safe mode starting 31 March 2022. This is why you are unable to see any Aqua Land Surface Temperature imagery for 2022 APR 6. I am not sure what you are referring to "...also stopped giving measurement comparisons from 2020 backwards." Could you provide a link/URL so we can troubleshoot?

Follow this note for up-to-date information about Aqua:

Also, thanks for the link to the map you were referring to ( - I believe you are asking whether the layer "Directional Hemispheric Reflectance (DHR) Average (Monthly, Natural Color)" is still being updated after 2020 August. It currently is on hold, but we hope to receive the imagery again sometime in the near future. Apologies for the inconvenience.