
[Build] npm install fails silently for root user

crgimenes opened this issue · 9 comments

In a new Debian installation, I updated the Node.js and npm to the latest version, so I followed the installation steps one by one.

git clone
npm install
npm start

When I try to open the browser on localhost:8080 I get the page but it is not being rendered, nothing appears on the screen. Apparently the system is not managing to load some resources, I am getting 404 in the following files:


After a full day trying everything, I found that it just does not install as root ... If you install as a user runs smoothly.
Well, that's a bug, at least need a big warning: Do not run as root, it will not work!

Reopening for investigation

@crgimenes Thanks for this. I certainly want to avoid anybody else experiencing the same frustration you did, so let me see how we can clarify our documentation to avoid this in future.

Did you happen to see any error messages while installing?

Hello @akhenry
For now I suggest simply add a line to get started page, warning to run the installation as a user not as root.

I had similar issue (not sure if the exact same issue) on my macbook (OS X El Capitan) for a moment. I was using Chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 m. Strangely in firefox everything appeared nicely. I restarted the server, then reloaded the page. Then it seemed to work fine in Chrome.
Note: I ran the installation as a user. So I think this might not be the same issue. I will try again today to see if I can reproduce the issue I encountered.

Hello @dhrubomoy
I am using El Capitan and Node.js 6.4.0.

Hi @crgimenes I am also using El Capitan, but node.js version is 4.5.0

@crgimenes - Thanks for reporting this. I've rephrased the title for this issue based on more recent comments; let me know if I've mischaracterized the issue in doing so.

I'll add a note to the README linking to this issue for now so that this is less likely to trip up others.

Closing issue. Text has been added to the README to warn users of issues building Open MCT as root.