
DISP-S1 PGE v3.0.0 Release

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PGE Release Procedure Steps

  • Ensure main branch is up-to-date, then rebase the existing release/3.0.0 branch off of it
  • Update [one of] the following version numbers:
    • In src/opera/pge/disp_s1/ update PGE_VERSION to 3.0.0
  • Push the release/3.0.0 branch to origin, then execute the integration test for DISP-S1 within the Jenkins Int Test pipeline
    • If the branch does not show up in the Jenkins pipeline, use the "Scan Repository Now" feature of Jenkins to refresh list of available branches
    • Once the Integration test is complete, inspect the results of the .html product comparison report to ensure all tests are passing (Note: for this release we do not have up-to-date expected assets, so the comparisons are expected to fail due to metadata field mismatches. The image content of the products is expected to match though)
  • Run the Release pipeline in Jenkins to push the container images to Artifactory
  • Create a PR for the release branch.
  • Pull the merged branch back into your local checkout of main, then tag the latest commit as 3.0.0 and push the tag to origin
  • Create the github release page using the new tag
  • Update the ICS document for the new release, and upload to Artifactory, along with the latest example RunConfig
  • Send an email to the operasds-all mailing list containing details of the release and links to the released artifacts (docker image, ICS doc, etc.)