
Collecting changes for release 0.11.0

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Using this issue as a collection point for stakeholders to decide when we should release the next version of python_cmr.

If you are listed as an assignee (or pinged directly @chuckwondo ), I'd like to have your concurrence that:

  1. The changes below constitute a minor release (meaning the next release will be 0.11.0)
  2. Yes/No should a release be created with just these changes. Yes: release can continue, No: we should wait for some additional feature/issue before creating a release
  3. You are willing to verify the release prior to merging to main

If you think there should be more stakeholders in this discussion, please add them to the list of assignees.

Currently, we have the following changes pending for the next release:


  • issues/35 Eliminated
    accommodation for Python versions older than 3.8 and updated CI build to test
    against Python versions 3.8 through 3.12. Also, fixed all flake8 warnings.



  • issues/42 Fixed bug where a
    KeyError was thrown from Query.get when the query format was a supported
    format other than "json". Further, in such cases, too many items would be
    fetched from the CMR due to a bug in how items were counted. Now, no more
    than limit items are fetched.

I suggest we move forward with 0.11.0 release with these three listed changes.

@frankinspace, do you need anything else for this release?

Thanks for the bump @chuckwondo just finished it out so 0.11.0 is now available