
Feature request: WSL2 support

Opened this issue · 6 comments


  • Windows 10 21H1
  • WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
  • VS Code 1.62.2
  • Remote - WSL extension for VS Code
  • PVS 7.1.0, installed inside WSL2
  • PVS extension for VS Code, installed inside WSL2 by code --install-extension paolomasci.vscode-pvs (VSCode GUI currently provides no option of installing vscode-pvs outside the host)

When running from within WSL2, VSCode says "This extension is disabled in this workspace because it is defined to run in the Local Extension Host. Please install the extension locally to enable."

Not sure but it might be helpful to separate the front-end part of the IDE from the bindings with local pvs installations.

Thank you for bringing this up. I will look more closely into WSL and the remote file system APIs to see what can be done. The vscode-pvs front-end is already decoupled from PVS, so it should not be too hard to fix. Updates on the topic will be posted in this thread.

Is there any news here? Is it possible to use PVS with vscode on WSL2 already?
Thank you!

Hi All, I have been investigating what needs to be done.
The good news is that it's feasible.
The bad news is that this may require a little bit more work than expected.

My current understanding of what needs to be done is as follows:

  • add support for virtual workspaces:
  • add a mechanism to synchronize the local workspace (client side) and the remote workspace (server side) -- your pvs files are stored in the local workspace, but pvs can only see files stored in the remote workspace, which in principle could be on a different machine, so there's a need to synchronize or at least create a mapping for translating local paths to remote paths.

You will hear more on this in the next few weeks.


Updates on WSL support:

  • A preliminary version of VSCode-PVS with support for WSL has been created (see attached screenshot).
  • Virtual workspaces were not needed, because WSL and Windows 10 are both executed on the same local machine.
  • The mapping between paths in the Windows file system and paths in the WSL file system was fairly straightforward to realize in vscode-pvs, because there is a command wslpath that can be used to convert paths from/to Windows (see Windows 10 release notes for Build 17046
  • Some additional time is needed to fine tune the connection between vscode-pvs and the xml-rpc server --- the xml-rpc server tends to break into Lisp when executed under WSL. We are working with SRI to resolve this problem, please be patient and stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks!


Are there any updates on the availability of the plugin for WSL?


Hi @federicorossifr, we are actively working on adding support for the new version of PVS (8.0) which is more resilient when working in server mode. We expect that this addition will positively impact the WSL support as well. Thanks for your interest.