

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello. Here are remarks about the tutorial:

Hi, thank you for your feedback!

  • I will soon push a new version on github that resolves the typos in the tutorial
  • Regarding the slow feedback on parse errors, the short answer is: to obtain immediate feedback, save the file :)
    The long answer is: vscode-pvs parses the file after a timeout or when the file is saved. This is done to implement a "calm" behavior where the tool does not disrupt the user when typing.
  • Regarding Workspace Explorer, as you noticed the view is automatically opened when you start a proof. You can also manually open the view by clicking the PVS icon located in the side bar.
  • Regarding the TCCs, you may need to share a screenshot of the example you are playing with, as I don't fully understand which example you are looking at.

Hope this helps.

Ok, if you typecheck that version of the helloworld example you should see 2 TCCs generated in Workspace Explorer, see screenshot below

Screen Shot 2023-01-03 at 9 25 01 AM


  • Concerning the slow feedback, is it possible to change the timeout?

  • Concerning TCCs: If I just do code helloworld.pvs from $HOME, and click on typecheck-file, it is said that typechecking is successful but nothing else. However, I have seen afterwards that a file helloworld.tccs is created. Even if I click on this file, I do not get your window. It's only when I add always_positive: THEOREM FORALL (x: real): abs(x) >= 0 and click on prove that I get your window.

Another problem I just got is: when I click on prooflite, vscode freezes and I need to kill it.

The timeout cannot be changed at this point in time. I will consider adding an option in settings so this can be customized.

I'll look into the problem you reported for proof lite, at the moment I can't replicate the problem.

For Workspace Explorer, if you click the PVS icon highlighted in the screenshot below you will see Workspace Explorer and the TCCs. Please share the screenshot if you see something different.
