
Wrongly states that I do have node installed

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Wrongly states that I do have node installed

Thank you for reporting the problem.
I have now improved the detection of dependencies in vscode-pvs, please try out the new version

If the problem persists, please check the Output panel in vscode, on channel pvs-server, which logs information produced during the boot sequence. You should see something like the following:

[pvs-server] Checking dependencies...
[pvs-server] node --version

[pvs-server] node: v12.9.0
[pvs-language-server] Rebooting PVS (installation folder is /Users/pmasci/Work/pvs-snapshots/pvs-7.1.0)
[pvs-proxy] Activating pvs-proxy...
[pvs-proxy] Rebooting pvs-server...

International Allegro CL Enterprise Edition
10.1 [64-bit Mac OS X (Intel)] (Oct 23, 2020 0:33)
Copyright (C) 1985-2017, Franz Inc., Oakland, CA, USA.  All Rights Reserved.

This dynamic runtime copy of Allegro CL was built by:
   [TC21719] SRI International

Hi @Map76 Thank you for the quick reply! I am now facing an issue with the extension finding the PVS executables.

Hi, from your output I understand you are using Windows?
I am afraid pvs works only under Linux and MacOS for now -- that's the problem :/

To run vscode-pvs (and pvs) under Windows, you need to create a virtual machine with linux (e.g., Ubuntu) and install/run them in the virtual machine.

Ah okay. That's too bad. Thanks anyways for all the help. :)