
Challenges and Advanced Challenges

Opened this issue · 7 comments

This issue is for brainstorming challenges and advanced challenges on both (a) exercises, and (b) group project features.

Some SQL topics...

  1. using union
  2. insert into with a select
  3. using ctes

Some C# topics...

  1. enums
  2. Queues and Stacks
  3. switch statements

A couple of ideas I have so far for Adv. Challenges:

  • Building a complex ERD for hospitals, prescriptions, pharmacists, doctors, patients, etc.

  • Scrabble Finder: allow the user to input any combination of up to seven letters and find all the available legal Scrabble words. (provide a long list of words (from dictionary of Aa- Ac) to the student to test this on)

Write your own implementation of string.Join() without using the string.Join() method.

Something that demonstrates issues related to floating point representations and/or the difference with the decimal type.

We need to get these incorporated into the course before cohort 35 starts C#. @askingalot can you take ownership of you and/or some junior instructors adding these to the appropriate chapters, please?