
Discuss value of SOLID supplemental chapters

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have yet, in 4.5 years have a single student come and talk to me about these supplemental chapters. Let's discuss the value of keeping them.

This discussion may have been taken offline since it was started way back in July, but FWIW I had 2 students in 32 separately ask me about dependency inversion after reading that supplemental chapter. Afterwards they would chime in during lectures and ask if certain concepts were in support of it. It was really cool to see.

I hope we keep them around. Just my .02

I think this is another example of how we don't have a great way of supporting advanced students without confusing or intimidating everyone else.

I'm inclined to leave the SOLID chapters as supplemental, but that means we need to make sure they are all written using C#.