
in-20091231-2 dev build and in-20091231-1 shouldn't have item dropping

minecraft12y opened this issue · 3 comments

notch made this blogpost announcing his progress with items and what he still had to do, also mentioning he's yet to add "items laying around on the ground", suggesting block dropping was added in 20091231-2, and which as such should be removed from the 20091231-1 remake unless proven otherwise.

Actually, seeing how he worded it, it's either dropping entirely was added in 1231-2 OR only items in this dev build couldn't be dropped yet. I suppose the latter makes more sense.

"Make it possible to drop items and block" Yes dropping definitely doesnt exist in 1231-1. And having a dev build about that would make sense as well. I will recreate them when I have time

forgot to close, its fixed now and we got new -1 and in between 1 and 2, dev