
Empty Migrations files

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I got in trouble trying to retrieve the migrations files placed in the APPPATH migration folder.

In my Migrate controller I have:

	 * @var array Migrations
	protected $migrations;

	 * @var bool Migration Status
	protected $migration_enabled;

	 * Constructor
	function __construct()
		$this->migration_enabled = $this->config->item('migration_enabled');
		if ($this->migration_enabled && uri_string() != 'migrate/token')
			$this->migrations = $this->migration->find_migrations();

	public function index()
		if ($this->migration_enabled)
			foreach ($this->migrations as $version => $filepath)
				$fp = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filepath);
				$data['migrations'][] = [
					'version' => $version,
					'file'    => $fp[count($fp) - 1],
			$migration_db = $this->db->get($this->config->item('migration_table'))->row_array(1);
			$data['current_version'] = $migration_db['version'];
			$data['migration_disabled'] = TRUE;


The view is the same of your script.
I get an empty table saying "No migrations", but it's not the server migration folder there are two files; I have no idea why I don't get the files list.
Any hint?

Silly me!!! works fine using $this->data[] instead $data[].
Sorry for posting stupid question :(