
Several UI improvement requests

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I'm a modder, and I sometimes have to deal with crashy links of crash reports.

And here's some stuff that I wish were changed because it's making my job harder:

  • Raw crash reports currently use the font-family: "Roboto", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif, which is terrible! Please change to font-family: ui-monospace, monospace. I'm also finding it bizarre that it's not using a <pre> tag and instead uses a paragraph.
  • Please refrain from using <button> for anything that's supposed to be a link and use <a> instead: this is important because <a> let the browser provide proper context menus (especially to open said link in a new tab).
  • In the table view of System details, please replace new lines with <br>s, as currently loaded mods list are unreadable there.
  • I can understand to limit the amount of information shown at once, but I would really appreciate the ability to just scroll down and see the rest of the crash report instead of having to click the tabs.

Hey, these look like really great tips. Crashy is undergoing a major refactor currently to fix some stuff that is unfixable with the current implementation, and it is not my main priority, so expect any changes to come in a few months at the very least.

  1. Raw crash reports are now handled by the browser.
  2. The 2 links use now
  3. I'm not actually sure what you mean, do you have an example?
  4. Do you mean the caused by: chain?

I consider this resolved