Get and display 12 random users from The Random User Generator API:
- Using photos and information that the API provides, you’ll display 12 users, along with some basic information:
- Image
- First and Last Name
- City or location
Create a modal window that will pop up when any part of the user’s row is clicked. The following details should display in the modal window:
- Image
- Name
- Username
- Cell Number
- Detailed Address, including street name and number, city, state and/or country and post code.
- Birthdate
Structure and style the user directory so that it roughly matches the provide mockup.
- Display the users in a grid or table
- Add a hover state to the rows of the user table.
- Make sure there’s a way to close the modal window
[x] Add a way to filter the directory by name or username. To do this, you’ll need to request a random user nationality that will only return data in the English alphabet. Note: you don't have to rely on the API to return search results. You'll need to write functionality that filters results once they already on the page.
[x] Add a way to move back and forth between employee detail windows when the modal window is open.