
Feature Request: Color generation using the colors you already have in a palette

RadioactiveRadio opened this issue · 8 comments

i really like this project. But i noticed that while getting colors from images is easy enough, adding and generating colors is not. I think this project could really benefit from a feature like generating color palettes using color schemes from the colors you already have in your palettes like how does it.

I think this would require pretty big changes to Paleta in both scope and design. We would have to rethink the structure of the app to avoid a messy navigation model. It’s not impossible, though!

A way it can be done:

  • When you open the app, you see the palettes view. Here, you can see and edit your palettes.
  • It has a «New Palette» button, with a dropdown containing the options «From Scratch», «From Image» and «Generator».
  • The generator option would contain the Coolors-like functionality.
  • When you choose the «From Image» button, a file chooser is displayed, and you go through the process of adjusting the palette in the same way it’s done currently.

This would keep the app tidy and allow for lots of new ways to create palettes in the future. However, it would also require more effort than necessary for users who just want to extract the colors of an image and export the colors directly into another place.

Another solution:

  • Create a separate app for generating colors this way. This would make it possible to optimize the app for just this, without a lot of unrelated UI around it.
  • We could make it interoperate with Paleta / other software through the ability to import palettes and use them as starting points.

This wouldn’t be as integrated, but it would allow for more modularity. Someone who just want to quickly generate a random palette doesn’t necessarily need the image extraction functionality, and vice versa.

Actually, I suggested a scope reduction in #11, to refine the core functionality of the app and let other apps take care of palette management. I don’t know what the developer envisions Paleta to become, but both of the approaches above can work :)

i really like this project. But i noticed that while getting colors from images is easy enough, adding and generating colors is not. I think this project could really benefit from a feature like generating color palettes using color schemes from the colors you already have in your palettes like how does it.

Glad you like the project! I'm not familiar with, can you expand on how their generator works? You say that you can generate a palette from your existing colors, but it seems like the generator on is random generator. Unless I'm misreading your request: do you want me to add this new feature, but visually similar to Or is it a feature behind their paywall?

i really like this project. But i noticed that while getting colors from images is easy enough, adding and generating colors is not. I think this project could really benefit from a feature like generating color palettes using color schemes from the colors you already have in your palettes like how does it.

Glad you like the project! I'm not familiar with, can you expand on how their generator works? You say that you can generate a palette from your existing colors, but it seems like the generator on is random generator. Unless I'm misreading your request: do you want me to add this new feature, but visually similar to Or is it a feature behind their paywall?

Omg they put all the color scheme generations behind a paywall. It wasn't used to be like that. But yeah that's kinda what i was hinting at. Like color schemes modes: random, complimentary, triadic, etc.
This is the one i meant but it's locked down behind a paywall now ;-;

Colorway has this functionality already, you might want to consider using it

Colorway has this functionality already, you might want to consider using it

Thanks! i love it! didn't know it existed. But it isn't exactly it either. It doesn't generate palettes or keeps a library of them like this project does. But they kinda compliment each other (no pun intended) if you couple them together.

I personally think that both Paleta and Colorway should be able to work with a separate, common application to actually manage the palettes. It doesn’t need to be tedious for the user, the apps could implement something like a drag-and-drop behavior. The current state of Paleta where it has one very specific feature (extracting colors from an image) and a very general-purpose one (creating, naming, editing and managing palettes) seems illogical to me, especially since the very specific feature is the center point of the app instead of the more general-purpose one.

I personally think that both Paleta and Colorway should be able to work with a separate, common application to actually manage the palettes. It doesn’t need to be tedious for the user, the apps could implement something like a drag-and-drop behavior. The current state of Paleta where it has one very specific feature (extracting colors from an image) and a very general-purpose one (creating, naming, editing and managing palettes) seems illogical to me, especially since the very specific feature is the center point of the app instead of the more general-purpose one.

I mean if we're talking user convenience, then it would be more convenient to have it all in one app.

That depends. I could see Paleta becoming an all-in-one app for generating palettes, but not with the structure it has now where the first window is a drop window for an image.