
Get level one working!

natecraddock opened this issue · 0 comments

This issue tracks the steps between versions 0.0 and 0.1. The milestone will be a playable (though not necessarily complete) level one. Here are things that will not be targets at the moment to keep things simple:

  • sounds
  • preferences
  • main menu
  • text effects?

Here is what needs to be done. I expect this list to grow as I dive deeper into the code

  • Raylib for 2D drawing, input, and windowing.
  • Reading key events
  • Load level data
  • Structuring the code in an intelligent manner (in other words, remove as many of those C globals as possible)
  • Player movement
  • Collision detection
  • Other objects (cars, powerups, etc)

If I reach a point where the player's car can be driven around, but other things are missing, I will still consider that a success and probably tag a 0.1 anyway.