
Move repo to purescript-contrib :pray: ?

Opened this issue ยท 2 comments

So, I wanted to make a pr to pathy

purescript-contrib/purescript-pathy#52 (comment)

and use purescript-variant, but we cannot merge unless purescript-variant is moved to


repos = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('ul[data-filterable-type="substring"] li'));
data = => {
    const name = repo.querySelector('a[itemprop="name codeRepository"]').textContent.trim();
    const description = repo.querySelector('p[itemprop="description"]')?.textContent.trim() || '';
    return {

const table = `
| Name | Description | Contrib | Rowtype-Yoga | Nothing |
${ => `| ${} | ${d.description} |  |  |  |`).join('\n')}
Name Description Contrib Rowtype-Yoga Nothing
purescript-psa Error/Warning reporting frontend for the PureScript compiler โœ…
purescript-psa-utils Utility library for purescript-psa โœ…
purescript-tidy-codegen Convenient codegen for PureScript โœ…
purescript-tidy A syntax tidy-upper for PureScript. โœ…
purescript-language-cst-parser PureScript CST Parser written in PureScript โœ…
purescript-node-workerbees Convenient multi-threading on Node with PureScript. โœ… (purescript-node)
purescript-dodo-printer An adequate printer. โœ…
purescript-node-glob-basic A very basic glob library for PureScript. โœ…
purescript-variant Polymorphic variants for PureScript โœ…
purescript-routing-duplex Unified parsing and printing for routes in PureScript โœ…
purescript-convertable-options Highly-overloaded APIs for PureScript โœ…
purescript-call-by-name Syntactically light-weight call-by-name arguments in PureScript. No guarantees. Completely gratuitous. โœ…
purescript-argparse-basic A no frills CLI argument parser for PureScript. โœ…
purescript-run An extensible-effects implementation โœ…
purescript-heterogeneous Maps and folds for heterogeneous data types. โœ…
purescript-checked-exceptions Extensible checked exceptions with polymorphic variants โœ…
purescript-typelevel-eval Higher order functional programming in PureScript's type system โœ…
purescript-run-streaming Streaming effects for PureScript โœ…
purescript-spork Elm-like for PureScript โœ…?
purescript-free-semigroupoid Free semigroupoids for PureScript โœ…
purescript-higher-order nothing, lib with this name is already in pursuit
purescript-halogen-connect-experiment nothing
purescript-aff-avar-select CSP-style select for AVars nothing? bc not popular?