Exception when running example code
bencardoen opened this issue · 1 comments
bencardoen commented
When I execute the example code from the readme I get the following exception:
~/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ffx/core.py in _pathwiseLearn(self, ss, varnames, bases, X_orig, X_orig_regress, y_orig, max_num_bases, target_nmse, verbose, **fit_params)
863 st, fin = numpy.log10(alpha_max * ss.eps()), numpy.log10(alpha_max)
864 alphas1 = numpy.logspace(
--> 865 st, fin, num=ss.numAlphas() * 10)[::-1][:ss.numAlphas() / 4]
866 alphas2 = numpy.logspace(st, fin, num=ss.numAlphas())
867 alphas = sorted(set(alphas1).union(alphas2), reverse=True)
TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method
This is on Python3.5
Any idea what's the issue here ?