That's cool but can't that just be an alias?
SimonGodefroid opened this issue · 2 comments
SimonGodefroid commented
I struggled knowing where to put the script at step 2. ("place it somewhere in your $PATH."), so I ended up doing
alias plop='less ~/.zsh_history_ext | grep -a --color=never "${PWD} " | cut -f1 -d"|" | tail'
in my .zshrc, it kind of does the job.
natethinks commented
That will definitely do the job, you can also add it as another .zshrc function instead of an alias, same difference.
This is completely up to personal preference, but in my opinion everyone should have a ~/bin directory included in your path for scripts you wrote yourself, or things like this you copied from github.
fritx commented
Two kind of ways is fine to me.
btw, @SimonGodefroid cut -f1 -d"|"
should be cut -f1 -d"⋮"