
A course registration system created using Java object oriented programming.

Primary LanguageJava


A course registration system (CRS) created using object oriented programming.


Fulfills the following requirements:

  1. The CRS stores the following information about each course:
    • course name
    • course ID
    • max # of students registered in the course
    • current # of registered students
    • list of names of students being registered in the course
    • course instructor
    • course section #
    • course location
  2. The CRS allows two types of users: Admin and Student
  3. The CRS allows the Admin to perform the following tasks:
    • Course Management
      • Create a new course
      • Delete a course
      • Edit a course (except for course ID and name)
      • Display info for a course (by course ID)
      • Register a student (allows admin to add student w/o assigning to a course)
      • Exit
    • Reports
      • View all courses (for every course display list of enrolled students' names, ids, # of students registered, max # of students allowed to be registered)
      • View all full courses
      • Write to a file list of full courses
      • View names of students registered to specific course
      • View list of courses a student is registered in (given first & last name of student)
      • Sort courses on current # of students registered
      • Exit
  4. The CRS allows the Student to perform the following tasks:
    • Course Management
      • View all courses
      • View all courses that are NOT full
      • Register in a course (student enters course name, section, student's full name)
      • Withdraw from a course (student enters their name, course name)
      • View all courses student is registered in
      • Exit
  5. The CRS must implement the following design:
    • An Interface for admin class with signatures of methods used by admin.
    • An Interface for student class with signatures of methods used by student.
    • Both Admin and Student classes inherit from class User. User has the following class members:
      • username
      • password
      • first & last name
    • When program is launched, the CRS must read all courses' information from a file (MyUniversityCourses.csv).
    • Assume there is only one Admin in the program.
    • Serialization & deserialization will be used to read the csv file and write into a new file.