
Heroku App/Account Suspensions

nathan78906 opened this issue ยท 15 comments

Let me know if any of your Heroku apps/accounts have been suspended because of running this script. Seems like a lot of people using other scripts have been getting "caught" by Heroku. I've tried to follow their TOS as much as possible to prevent this.

What is Heroku and why do they care about this script?

Heroku is a free service that allows you to run apps in the "cloud" 24/7. Me(along with some others) are running it on Heroku 24/7 so that we don't need to keep our computers on 24/7.

Not running computer 24/7? Does not compute.

CePur commented

While running other scripts, the reason for ban was "We detected that one of your applications violates Prohibited Action 2 of our Acceptable Use Policy (abusive, fraudulent, infringing)". I don't think they allow this script neither.

Can you make brief guide how to run it on Heroku
I deployed repo but there are files missing to use features like logs, configs, turn on/off etc

Thanks in advance

how to add multiple token using heroku in 1 app

Duplicate the and change the token/steamid, name it something like

Then, in your "Procfile", add worker2: python to the file(on a new line).
Start the worker the same way you did for the first worker.

How many workers can i put until it brcomes payable ?

Each worker takes up 24 dyno hours per day. Since its a new month, you should have 500 dyno hours (or 1000 if you added a credit card). Since the game ends on July 4th, you should be able to run 10 workers (or 20 if you added a credit card)

Also, how to update the in Heroku

Re-copy over the updated script (and input the token/steamid), commit/push the files to github. Then go back to the "Deploy" tab on Heroku, and click "Deploy Branch"


I'm getting this error - Getting user info errored... trying again(after 10s cooldown)
Any suggestions ?

You probably didnt input your token into the script properly.

Game over, thanks everyone ๐Ÿ‘